Wednesday, November 03, 2004

It's a grey day. But it is my day off! And now when there's been a change of plans I really don't know what to do with myself.

I've tidied away all the washing, fed the birds outside, fed the fishes inside and did the dishes and its still only 10.30. I am leaning towards going for a walk into town and do a bit of Christmas shopping, or at least have a look around to see if I find anything to buy! At least we have to buy another 'Need for Speed Underground' game because the one we bought intending to give to Hasse James has totally taken over. He was supposed to 'testdrive' it but since Saturday he has been playing it every evening. Tut tut.. Well I admit, I've tested it as well and it is fun!

Any ideas what you could buy for someone who has everything (ie my mum)? And to my sister who has a birthday coming up in December. BTW they are coming here next week for a short stop over the weekend. They will be sleeping here so that is something I'm looking forward to. Hopefully they can come up for Christmas but its not looking great.

I'm so bored I think I'm going to write some Christmas cards already! Yes I know, I'm nuts...


Maisey said...

Oh Maria, here we go, wonderful woman, organised and shameless! Damn, I DO try :-) But thought of Christmas, birthday, anniversary, anything goes, pressies are sometimes forgotten, but NOT the date,..just put it down to working her ar** off Mary...means ........

well but! Damn if the cow or sheep will let her near to set the alarm bells ringing.."You forgot, again A**h***......

Maria said...

Im not sure what you mean Mary...