Friday, September 30, 2005

I've had a change of heart...

It is quite a radical one as well. From a nice rusty red to pale white and beige floral for a feature wall and striped one to match. But I think we'll like it for longer then the red one. I wasn't so sure when I saw the red one in the shop and I got lots of help from the staff at Flugger Färrg with different suggestions to whatIi could have instead. In the endIichickenedd out and took the sample book with me back home to see what James thought of the different options before deciding. He actually agreed with me straight away on my favorite one butIi showed him some of the other options.

This is what we are having. Went and bought it this afternoon plus everything else needed so we might start doing the room tomorrow. Depending on the weather. If it is nice we are going to help mum turn her allotment for winter and cut the grass since it is our turn in the rota. If it is pissy and rainy weather as predicted this morning in the news Lotta will be coming over to help us out with the wallpapering. Keep your fingers crossed about it being rainy! Want to get started now when we have decided.

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