Friday, February 11, 2011

The more it snows!

We had plenty of snow dumped on us yesterday and this morning. Plus it got really REALLY windy so everything got blown around and drifted.

Had to dig out the car this morning

But the good thing is that I had time to do some sewing and after all hair pulling yesterday about getting the measurements right for the center borders around the bargello heart today was the big day of doing the first row. And it all fit! No pulling or cursing, it just slipped in place, so now it is just to go ahead and finish it off to the right size. Wohooo!

Here it is on my design floor looking all yummie!


Linda said...

Quilt is just gorgeous. Don't you just love it when everything just fits perfectly?? :-)

Maisey said...

Way to go you! :-) That was some snowfall....soon it will be Springtime....It has arrived here, but along came the rain too :-( We did not have much rain for the last couple of months but now the local river has risen and flowed into the adjoining fields....

The rain is keeping me stuck in and I am going crazy!