Sunday, May 05, 2002

Weather is turning out to be typical brittish today i think. It was a bit on the cloudy side this morning but then it shifted to sun and blue sky for a while and then it seems it got a change of heart all togheter and now it is going between being really horrible and rainy to being as fair as anything. But more on the windy rainy style tho. I wish it would make up its mind! But im sure that is just too difficult being a big island that England really is. Even though these moodswings of weather it is great to be back here again.

We went to a car boot sale in Woolpit today. It was a bit as i remember it from when i was over in England with my mum many years ago. We visited mums aunt and we had a go at this car boot type of market. I think it must be something very brittish to do. Sure we have something similar to it in Sweden, but not at the same size as these can get and not so regulare. Besides markets are disapearing in Sweden. We have the odd spring and autumn 'market' but thats it really. Right this weekend there is a really fantastic and huge market going on in Rättvik, its about 45 min outside my hometown. But im sure that there are larger ones going on here in England, and that every sunday!

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